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Time to Leave Application

Wow! The third week of Hacktoberfest is coming to an end and it has been an experience for me so far. Before hacktoberfest, I never thought that I would be able to contribute to other people's projects and actually see my contribution be committed to a project. This week was a huge step for me. I had to opportunity to work on a project that I found very interesting and test my coding skills with the application. The best part of the experience was that it gave me the chance to collaborate on the issue with the main developer where we discussed how to come up with a solution. After the solution was provided, my code was merged into the main project which gave me a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction,.

The Project

After countless hours searching through GitHub for an open-source project to contribute to, I came across Time to Leave developed by thamara. This application is like a reminder that allows users to log their work hours it the application and receive a notification for when its time to leave the office.

The Issue

The issue created by the developer was adding a help menu to the navigational bar of the application. Within this help menu, two sub-menus were needed to be added, one linking to the GitHub page and the other to the release notes of the project.

The Pull Request

After going through the code base, I managed to figure out where I would implement my solution to the issue. But before I went on implementing my solution I had to go through the electron framework documentation to see what built-in functions I could use. After a few trials and errors, I implemented what I thought was the best solution and created a pull request.

With my solution, I decided to display a new window, set the URL to the ones the developer requested and displayed the window to the user

After a review from the main developer, she mentioned a few suggestions to my code where then I applied the changes she requested.

The developer's suggestion was to remove the use of the application window and use the browser of the users operating system to launch the links.

Learned Lessons

Again I had the chance to work with git and learned a few things with working on active projects. I had to pull new commits to the main branch of the project to my own origin branch so there would be no merge conflicts or issues. I also worked with the new framework, Electron which was a cool experience.


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